What is that thing?
This is 16n. It is a bank of 16 60mm faders. It is designed for controlling electronic musical instruments and devices. Designed by Sean Hellfritsch and Brian Crabtree (of Monome).
What does it do?
You move faders on it. It emits output. It has a number of outputs:
- it sends MIDI data over USB; by default, a different continuous controller for each fader.
- it sends MIDI data over a 3.5mm stereo (TRS) jack, which you can break out using any available converter. There is a switch to toggle between the two standards for this (so it’ll work with both Korg/Makenoise and Arturia/Novation products and converters directly). This can be the same CCs as the MIDI over USB, or different ones, if you’d like.
- it sends 0-5V CV out of sixteen jacks, one for each fader. (Well, almost 5V, dependent on your USB power supply)
- it sends data over I2C, using a TRS jack: either as a master device, which could connect directly to (e.g.) an ER-301 or monome Ansible, or as a bus device for a monome Teletype
This event will run from 12PM until 6PM or until everyone is finished.
For $160 you will receive all the components required to build a 16n Faderbank, all tools, and guidance from experienced builders and manufacturers to ensure success. At the end of the workshop, you will take home your very own device!
The case will likelly be laser cut acrylic, but I'm open to suggestions. If we can all agree on a case material I can make it happen.
This is a through-hole and surface mount build, comparable in difficulty to Quadtec-101. Large, easy to work with components, and a low parts-count BOM make this perfect for beginners. The surface mount components will be placed on solder paste and baked.
This is the eighth workshop at CCTV, and we're confident that 6 people is the optimal number for workshops. With a small group, each attendee can get focused help from the organizers. If you don't make it into this round, we can re run this workshop in the future.
If you're just interested in a kit to complete at home, check out and please send us a message so we can adjust the stock. If you don't have enough time to finish your build, you can come to the next workshop to finish up, or just drop into CCTV during regular business hours!