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Immutable Peaks Build Guide

Writer's picture: Cameron GillinghamCameron Gillingham
  • 8 HP Multi function signal generator

  • Difficulty level: Beginner

  • Time: 1-2 hours

What you'll need

  • Immutable Peaks DIY kit

  • Soldering Iron

  • Solder

  • Side cutters

Verify parts

  • Begin by pulling out all of the parts included in your Peaks DIY kit and reference the bill of materials to ensure you're not missing anything.

Placing and soldering components

  • Begin by placing the jacks into their respective positions indicated on the front of PCB.

  • Solder a single leg and then confirm the jacks are flush and straight, if the jack needs to be realigned apply a slight amount of heat to the first joint while pressing it into place then solder the remaining pins on the jacks.

  • The 10-pin header can now be placed in the orientation shown below, and soldered in from the front of the PCB.

  • Next we will tackle the five green LED's, begin by sliding them all the way onto their stand-offs.

  • The LED's will not not work unless placed with the correct polarity. The short leg of the LED is the cathode (-) and needs to be placed facing the inside of the PCB. I've included a photo below for reference.

  • Solder a single pin of each LED to the PCB board.

  • Apply a slight amount of pressure to the LED and heat the solder joint you just made, slide the LED until the holder is completely flush with the board and the LED is standing straight up. Repeat for each LED and solder the remaining pins.

  • Alignment can be confirmed by placing the front panel on the board and ensuring the LED's land in their holes and are all the same height.

  • Trim the excess length off the LED's leaving the solder joint intact.

  • Next we will place the four buttons for peaks.

  • The smaller tactile buttons with four pins can be placed in either position that they will fit, but the larger buttons with 8 pins must be placed with correct polarity. The green dot on the button must be aligned with the small white circle on the PCB.

  • Next place the four potentiometers in the remaining spots on the board and solder all pots from the back. Be sure to apply a generous amount of solder to the large metal tabs as they are used to mechanically secure the pots to the board.

  • Lastly secure the panel to the board with the nuts for the jacks and the potentiometers and place the knobs on the potentiometer shafts.


  • Power up the module and cycle through the modes using the lower white button, ensure all LED's light up as you click through. The trigger buttons will illuminate in LFO mode and settings can be adjusted with the knobs.

  • Test the split button, ensuring the LED comes on when pressed.

  • Work through the included manual confirming each mode works as described.




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